Monday, September 17, 2007

Google Maps on your PDA!

Google Maps on your Windows Mobile. Well for me its Google maps on my Ipaq HX2750. I just noticed on the Google for mobile startup page had a link "Download Google Maps" Since it was on the Mobile site, i decided to try it out. Downloading it via Digi EDGE was quick, and installation was just as quick. Starting up Google maps for mobile brought me to a drawn map in America.. Promptly searched for Kuala Lumpur and it was just empty. I realized that i could switch between map and satellite image. Well here's the picture of Malaysia via satellite map on my PDA. Later i found the Bangsar LRT station. Its nice to see Singapore having a very detailed Map done by google. Even Thailand and Indonesia have road maps. I'm just guessing that the Malaysian Government has dissallowed showing our Roadmaps to the world! How to improve if there is so much red tape in Malaysia? So sad. Anyway, having Google maps on the PDA is something nice and new. You can eventually search for various Points of intrest like the enarest post office, etc.. The zoom factors are pretty good. I can actually see the road inront of my house, as well as the Yellow Traffic box drawn on the road near my house. I bluff you not. To get Google maps for your PDA, just log in to with internet explorer on your PDA. Try it its good fun to see the world from above on your PDA. I think God also may be using a PDA with a variant of Google map to se what you're doing too.. LOL

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