Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Post Call..

Yesterday first day of being back to waork and the buggers put me on call.. Walau. yesterday on call never sleep man! Operating from 8 am yesterday morning till 6:30 am this morning.. Luckily the houseman OK, can do some simple cases.. I think i did...: One above knee amputation, 1 external fixator, 1 necrotizing fascitis, 1 medial condyle frature in kid, 1 distal radius fracture in kid thats just the big cases. Totally did 25 operative procedures yesterday.. Fuck tired man.! Just couldn't see any patients in the morning.. saw about 10 patients in the clinic and was falling asleep talking to them.. Came back from work at 11:30 pm, ate a sandwich and maggi mee, slept till 6pm.. Didin't even know wife came back.. later she told me i was snoring at 5pm.. ha ha !! Going for dinner now,, But i got to say.. its somewhat working , is different than loafing around..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the calls when i was ur houseman wasn't as bad as now man.. its just sooooo.... fucked at times!!!! Anyway alan... ur backside will be torn today. they left a lot of GA cases as Kamal Maneksha retiring. no anaes wanna give gas...
