Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Warez Awareness!

WAREZ! whats that? Do you guys understand what the term Warez Means? Expanded, it means "illegal software" When you buy pirated software, you're not actually buying software at all. You're paying someone who stole the software of the developer. Most of the time, you're not even paying the guy who stole it. OK. The person who stole it is called the hacker. Hackers who steal it usually release the software for free. Its sort of like they're proud they could get past the protection the developer made to prevent it from being stolen. So they like people to know, the hack the software and release it for the massess. BUT let me make you aware, that there are website which hackers operate from and if you can find the websites, you can at least thanks the people who haced the programs, giving you an extended trial on softwares you may not have tried if it weren't available for nothing. SO thank the Hackers, and evaluate the programs and BUY if you like it.


Anonymous said...

Nice thought. Probably u not remember me before, but glad to help u before.


Prometheus said...

Dude.. i'll in UKM in campus till my last attempt at part 1 in May 2007. C U sometime.. mebbe in OT
